How to install Turbo C++ in dosbox of window xp?

1.Firstly install turbo c++ from site:–freeware-flggsdpz.html

2.You will get a zipped folder. Right click on the folder and choose extract. Name the folder as TC and put all the extracted files in it. Place the folder in C: drive.

3.Open this folder. Find TC.exe file in it and install it on your pc.

Problem that we get is even on installing turbo C++ on your pc, it does not work. When we go to TC\BIN\TC. Black screen come and then go away just like flash.So if you want to run Turbo C++ its better to install it in Dos Box.

4.Now, After installing Turbo C++, Download dosbox  from site:

5.After this , install the dosbox and open it.

6.Now make another folder named Tutorial in C: Drive and copy all the contents of TC folder in it.

7.In the dosbox, Give the following commands.

Z:\>mount c c:\tutorial
C:\>cd TC\BIN\

Your Turbo C++ is now installed on Dosbox……


Whenever you open Dosbox ,you have to give commands that i have written in step 7 again abd again. To get rid of this,

Follow the following steps:

1.Right click on Dosbox shortcut, choose properties.

2.Then click on Find target button.

3.Open file, named as Dosbox 0.74 conf  i.e configuration file. Find the statement AUTOEXEC in it.

Type all the commands of step 7 in it.

Save the file and exit.

Now whenever you open Dosbox, it will always run Turbo C++ in it.

Thats all……………………




About Priyanka Kapoor

Simple, Hardworking & friendly.....
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20 Responses to How to install Turbo C++ in dosbox of window xp?

  1. Jamie says:

    C:\>cd TC\BIN\

    after that code it says “unable to change to: TC\BIN\.”

    Turbo C++ still not working.

    • Good afternoon, You check that is there any BIN folder in TC folder. And then check in BIN folder for TC icon. If all is there , only then this command execute. Before this command you have to mount C: drive to TC\BIN\.If you still facing problem., do reply… Thanks

      • naveen kumar says:

        miss prianka mam…i deleted bin in tc again i have a msg that unable to change to : TC\BIN\……..what i need to do…pls help me

  2. Jamie says:

    Yes. There is a BIN folder in TC folder and a TC icon. I typed the command as you said
    “z:\>mount c c:\tutorial” after entering the DOSbox says “Drive C is mounted as local directory c:\tutorial\”. Next, “Z:\>c:” Then “C:\>cd TC\BIN\” Now the DOSbox says “unable to change to: TC\BIN\.”
    I followed all the steps that you said.

  3. karan khanna says:

    thanx alot…
    it helped me very much

  4. subham says:


  5. Anusha says:

    thank u so much its realy helpfull,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,thnks a lot……………….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Akhil says:

    When Ever Above Steps Complete After “Find Target”
    And I Write Step 7 In AUTOEXEC The Turbo C++ Is Not Opening And i Again open dosh box and write step 7 and The Message Is Drive C Does Not Exists..
    So What Shall I DO Now….

  7. Riddhi says:

    I have the same question as some guy,
    As you said, To allow dos box to open C++ everytime, the commands must be written in AUTOEXEC, i did that, but when i opened Dos box, it hasnt come as C++!
    Need Help.

  8. Kavi says:

    I’m still getting unable to change directory…Please help! :-/

  9. sania says:

    my mouse is getting stuck after using turbo c++

  10. Ryan says:

    I got everything as u said .Finally while running the program with ctrl + F9 the Dosbox windows disappear…I even changed my source directory but it doesn’t work. Any help’d be appreciated.

  11. mahesh says:

    thnq u priyanka it worked

  12. mahesh says:

    thnks a lot…. priyanka its helpfull…

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